
how I (nem) Brno Menni trip

2013. július 27. - solkim001

Figyelem! Közérdekű Közlemény!

A blogunkat új felületre helyeztük és új nevet adtunk neki. 2021. októberétől az alábbi linken olvashatóak a bejegyzéseink:

A oldalon nem jelennek meg az új írásaink, viszont a régi posztok természetesen továbbra is elérhetőek lesznek itt.

Gabi és Miklós

Hiking is good. We know that since 2007, when - thanks to a misunderstanding - we learnt what is it.
This is a great activity to clear your mind from the bad thoughts, clear your body from the toxins, calm you down
and a good opportunity to discuss important questions.

I owe these photos to Jeng How. I promised him a year ago, that I'll upload and share them. Trip to Pozsony (Bratislava).
But what is the story behind this trip?
One year ago, we faced with a to go or not to go situation. Sounds better if I say: where to go situation...
By the end of April we went for a trip, to spend 4 days with walking in the Bükk National Park,
then go to Brno (Czech Republic), which was one of our options.

At the end of the 4th day, we scratched out Brno from our list, but I still had vacation days.
To get some good food, good beer and see a nice city, we decided to go for a quick sightseeing tour to Pozsony.

These are the pictures, that I made there - enjoy!


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Slovenské národné divadlo - Slovak National Theatre

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Main Square

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Bank of River Danube

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One tired Miki, the River Danube and Most Slovenského národného povstania (English: Bridge of the Slovak National Uprising, commonly referred to as Most SNP)

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I took this picture in the city center. Can you believe it?

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Remember! Holocaust Memorial

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Underground art

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The St. Martin's Cathedral, downtown of Bratislava

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Very well deserved! I love the draft Pilsner Urquell in Slovakia / Czech Republic. Taste so different (which means so good) that you can get at the other countries!

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Old, narrow cobble stoned street

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Mall feeling on Wednesday afternoon

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Old town church

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Old tram, old street, old buildings... this city has nice atmosphere!

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Beauty behind the gates

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Statue of Man at Work in Bratislava

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Strapacky. Dumplings, bryndza and bacon. So simple, so delicious!

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Bratislava by night

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Real life of the real people

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Back to the... not to the future, to the past. Just like in the '80s.

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The narrowest building

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Bratislavský hrad (Bratislava Castle)

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Bratislavský hrad (Bratislava Castle). It still houses the museum and the presentation rooms for the National Council of the Slovak Republic and for the president.

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River Danube from the Castle

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Another old, narrow street

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Check out the lamp-shells! They are coffee mugs!

The photo album of the trip:




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